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Taking Care of Business...Outside

Dear Bailey,

I'm a 3 year old dog. My people say I'm special because I'm from a place called Shelter. Back in Shelter, I often had to take care of business inside because a person couldn't always take me out when I needed. I really want to go outside to do this. Now that I'm in with a Forever Home, how can I let my people know when I need to go outside to take care of business? I don't want to upset them by making a mistake inside.

Holding it,

Los Gatos, CA

Bailey's Reply:

Dear Samantha,

First, congratulations on finding your Forever Home! I've heard of Shelter, and it's true that those who go there and make it out are indeed special. Your people must really love you alot, so I wouldn't worry too much about upsetting them too much if you do make a mistake inside.

“Get their attention! Then run to the door. Scratch at it. They alone have the ability to open it! If they don't respond, then it's their fault if you make a mistake.”

Something you can do to let your people know you want to go outside is by sniffing them. And I mean alot. Whine. Bark. Walk in a circle. Get their attention! Then run to the door. Scratch at it. They alone have the ability to open it! If they don't respond, then it's their fault if you make a mistake.

My owner made it easier for me to tell her I wanted out by hanging a string of bells on the door that goes outside. The bells hang right at my level. Whenever we would go out, she would hit the bells. It didn't take me long to figure out that ringing the bells would bring her to me and out we would go! 

She thought she was training me, but I was really training her. And that's what it's about. Dogs training people to do what they want. Good luck!



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